Education changes the future.

Education changes YOUR future.

Learn with us

Learn at a rapid rate as an Accelerated Learner.  All our courses are designed to make your life better, more enjoyable, more abundantly successful.  Our belief is that learning boosts your talent, and that your talent is your power to gain wealth and the freedom wealth brings.  Learn and earn.

For those who are hungry for more, train with us as an Accelerated Trainer, thereby transforming your future, and leave a legacy through the lives of all those you teach.



Learning from now into the future must be delivered at an accelerated pace. For many, this now means learning onlline.

This is part of the evolution of learning as we know it.  With us, you’ll learn how to get exciting results faster that add genuine value to people’s lives – beginning with your own.  The organisations you’ll work with will prosper, their team members will develop greater capacity, and their customers will be delighted.



No one ever really liked being talked at.  We all prefer the ‘truth’ of our own experience.  The learning of the future will be increasingly ‘experiential’.  To make certain this happens, you’ll learn how to stimulate multiple senses, switch on multiple aspects of intelligence, and make the learning so pleasurable that it will ‘stick’ – becoming habit in yourself the team members you train.  That means sustainable results!

Lx = Learner Experience



These are the greatest times yet for getting ‘real’ even if that reality is computer generated!
Virtual Reality becomes ‘Virtuous Reality’ in the right hands… ours!  Whether your clients invest in high tech or not, you can give yourself and your  students such an immersive experience that they naturally take to whatever they want to learn.

We create learning that is relevant to each learner’s experience.



Smart Phones can lead to Smart Learning and Smart Learners.  One key is to understand Accelerated Learning Design and Delivery – which we specialise in because we know the convenience of online, coupled with an immersive experience, creates the learners of tomorrow.

Post the current World Crisis, one of the most useful lessons demonstrated has been the power of convenience.

Now you can learn when and where you want.  It’s your choice.



Are you Unique?
Of course you are!
That alone is enough of a reason to demand a bespoke, tailored learning experience to match your unique learning style, preference, and motivational profile.
Guess what we offer!  More than this, we help our trainers understand their customers’ ARBs (‘Actual Reasons to Buy’ or ‘Actual Reasons to Believe’).  By understanding your customers through our set of assessments you’ll not only have delighted customers, you’ll get repeat business.

Have the best of both worlds:

Lx = Learner Experience

Cx = Customer Expeirence



I’m bored easily.
I hope you are too.
Our learning experiences have personality, character, and, we hope, a great dose of charisma.
Prepare to be trained, entertained, and even entertrained….

…and remunerated well for the value you add to each client organisation as you earn from what you learn.

Why the scissors?

We cut the….


Choose Your Own Adventure

by Lex McKee | Inspirational Podcasts

So how do we empower you?

Entertrainment is a genre and a structured process for a whole generation of learners, teachers, and trainers who see being educated and becoming educators as a privilege, a purpose, and a vocation.

We know the truth that is in:

No Margin; No Mission

So we’re here to boost your margin with one outcome:

to accelerate your rise to being the best YOU that you can be.


When you learn with us, it is with a clear outcome in mind: for you to gain wealth and the freedom wealth creates for you.

This is why we help many of our students to go on to shine as key people of influence in their area of natural talent.  We help you get your message out there to the right audience for you – your tribe.

There’s a great line in, “The Ten Commandments,” with Charlton Heston and Yul Brynner: “So let it be written; So let it be done!” Having something in writing has authority. We’ll accelerate the establishment of your authority as a key person of influence.
Having a successful podcast is the most authoritative way to provoke your customers to know you, like you, trust you. Hearing your voice works wonders. If this surprises you, let’s think about it…  Credibility comes from hearing , not seeing primarily (though that helps too.)  Podcast effectively and your potential target audience will take you into the bathroom, the gym, and on their commute to work.  You’ll be invited into their most intimate spaces and times… then your voice will go with them.
How about doing your work once, adding MASSIVE value, and then exchanging that value for cash flow without taking up any more of your time?  Does that sound GOOD? Your Intellectual Property can add value and change lives without locking down your time.  Work with me and we’ll get some of your content online, working hard for you so that you can then focus on developing the next level of your genius and the magic you bring to the world.
“Seeing is believing,” and you’d better believe that video is here to stay as the second most authoritative way to provoke your customers to know you, to trust you, and to like you. If it’s true that it takes fourteen touch-points now before a customer will trust you enough to buy from you, let seven of those touch-points be videos that don’t swallow up your time and energy. We’ll help you get your YouTube channel working for you as a driver of attention to your valuable products and services.  
The best business card you can have is a copy of your book. It says, “I’ve smashed this!” Writing a book takes dedication. It takes BIG kahunas… It takes YOU with my help to articulate and then produce your message. I help people just like you to get published and to use what they publish profitably.  
Want to do this all alone? I was going to say, “Best of luck!” but what I meant was, “Fat chance!” Rugged Individualism was a disease of the 20th Century and a whole generation died of it. It’s a waste. It doesn’t work. It never did. You need to leverage other people’s genius. I’ll show you how by helping you first discovering your own flow, then identifying the collaborators you need to attract, and then revealing the right motivational fuel for each member of the team.  You’ll get there faster, more effectively, more efficiently, and more enjoyably.  
Fulfil Your Vocation
Calling all truly visionary teachers and trainers who believe they were born to change the world!
We are on a mission to recruit, train, and empower 144 outstanding trainers, educators, and teachers to impact their generation with the wisdom, discipline, and understanding it will take to transform history for the better.
How to Contact Our Team

For Entrepreneurs, Teams, and Trainers.

Neil “Lex” McKee founded Entertrainment to articulate the genre of learning and development that is the epitomy of our vision.  With support, he now builds entrepreneurial teams who want to make a difference online, offline, and in the other ‘real’ worlds.  PLUS, if you’re a trainer or teacher with a strong sense of ‘vocation’ – join our tribe – you’ll know what to do next…

Swanage, Dorset, UK

079900 15 489

Becoming Heroes

Bayside Business Centre
48 Willis Way
BH15 3TB